Saturday, December 13, 2008

Old Family Pics :) We need to get NEW ones!!

This one above is my favorite picture out of all of them! :)

Okay so these are OLD family pictures of me and Zach but they are some of my favorites! We need to get NEW family pics taken!! :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Nothing new, but some old pics...

This is a picture of me when I was in Okinawa, Japan earlier this year. The beach I am standing on is the beach that US soldiers stormed during WWII in an attempt to overtake the island. There was so much history there! My co-worker(who is awesome at taking pictures!!) took this one of me. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot while I was there!
Here's a picture of Zach after one of his many trips to Germany... he's so handsome! I miss him tons and I can't wait to go home tomorrow and see him!! (I'm in Alabama for work.)
This is how little Boomer was when we got him. He used to lay beside Zach's slippers and sleep all the time. I guess he could smell Zach on them... its weird now because he likes to lick Zach's feet (and sometimes mine) when he takes his shoes off after work! Zach doesn't really like it but Boomer will move on to other body parts if you cover your feet back up!! Muzby joins in sometimes too!! LOL!
Okay, Muzby and Boomer are just as lazy as I am one the weekends!! And they insist on laying on me!! They provide LOTS of body heat!! After I had surgery my mom and dad bought us a recliner and every time I go to sit down on it Boomer will jump up on the love seat and wait for me to recline the chair so he can jump and lay at the foot of the recliner. Muz does it too!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. Normally, we spend Thanksgiving in Utah, and I really missed not being able to make it up there this year! However, it was a lot of fun hanging out with our friends! So, these are pictures from our day!!

This is Tinkerbell... he is our friend Chris and Claudia's dog... he is so good with Muzby and Boomer!! He protects them!!!

Chris, Zach, and Sebon's husband (I can't remember his name!!!). The boys are waitin for the turkey to finish smokin on the grill! It smelled so good!!!

This is the table of food... there were 19 people in attendance at the Raiti house for dinner!! Oh yeah, and seven dogs!!! :o)

Okay, Claudia (the hostess) is in the white shirt and her husband, Chris, is sitting beside her in the brown jacket. Zach and I worked with Chris when we were in the Army. Shortly after I arrived at Fort Hood, Chris moved to Germany and that is when he met and eventually married Claudia. She is wonderful and very funny! I really enjoy the nights we spend there hanging out and eating great German food!!!

PUPPERS!!!!! :o)

No, we didn't make the pups lay this way... they did it all themselves!!! This picture was taken earlier this year! They are sooooooo cute!!!

This is Boomer as a puppy... it was his first Halloween (2006)... this is one of my favorite pictures of him!!
This is Muzby and me when he was a puppy! I think the picture was taken the weekend we got him! He was so adorable when he was that little!!! I was watching videos I took of him when he was a puppy and its so funny how much he's still like he was three years ago!

This is a picture of Boomer the day we got him... he was munching on a piece of grass!!

This is Muzby and Boomer kissing!! LOL!! This is another picture of when we brought Boomer home... Muzby wasn't too crazy about Boomer at first... but they've grown on each other!

Pictures of the house... for those haven't seen it!! :o)

These are pictures of the house... two of the front and one of the back of the house. These pictures were taken shortly after we bought the house. The landscaping has grown over the last three years and my green thumb wasn't able to keep up with it this year all that well!! Can't wait to have you all down to visit!!