Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. Normally, we spend Thanksgiving in Utah, and I really missed not being able to make it up there this year! However, it was a lot of fun hanging out with our friends! So, these are pictures from our day!!

This is Tinkerbell... he is our friend Chris and Claudia's dog... he is so good with Muzby and Boomer!! He protects them!!!

Chris, Zach, and Sebon's husband (I can't remember his name!!!). The boys are waitin for the turkey to finish smokin on the grill! It smelled so good!!!

This is the table of food... there were 19 people in attendance at the Raiti house for dinner!! Oh yeah, and seven dogs!!! :o)

Okay, Claudia (the hostess) is in the white shirt and her husband, Chris, is sitting beside her in the brown jacket. Zach and I worked with Chris when we were in the Army. Shortly after I arrived at Fort Hood, Chris moved to Germany and that is when he met and eventually married Claudia. She is wonderful and very funny! I really enjoy the nights we spend there hanging out and eating great German food!!!


weidauerfamily said...

We missed you guys too! I'm glad you had a fun time with your friends though. Can't wait to see you at Christmas! Love Ya!

Coley said...

It looks like you guys had a fun holiday. We missed you guys too and can't wait to see you at Christmas!!!